Posts tagged ‘Baby Photography’

July 30, 2010


Ok, so some times I get totally side tracked by all the awesome sites out there related to this new venture I am taking on.   I feel it’s important to constantly learn, so I am always looking at my favorite sites for tips, tricks and ideas.   I sort of feel like a hypocrite because I used to think blogs were so dumb.   Now I spend lots of time reading several of them, besides having my own know.    But some are so amazing!

This is my new favorite blog:

it has such amazing photos, and offers a lot of inspiration to me and for you.  Check it out if you have time.

So with that, I will end this post, so those of you who don’t have a lot of time to read blogs don’t have to take up anymore of your time:)

July 15, 2010


Ok, so now that most of the summer busy stuff is over I plan to really get down to work on my photography and growing my business.   First step…using my blog.  This could be a challenge for myself as I tend to let things fall by the wayside, but this currently is my one and only way of communicating to you online.  So I will do my best to keep you all updated and provide lots of photos for you to look at.  I look forward to this new relationship!

So, first thing today….I’ve added more information about sessions and pricing.  Take a look and contact me with any questions.